STRIKE!… That’s a good thing! / Courtney Melonas


The end of 2016 (October-December) squished me down, rolled me up, and bowled with me! Wow! I feel like I scored a 100 point STRIKE, but I’m so dizzy and rocked that I’m not sure what really happened! What a rush. During those past three months SO much happened in way of Lux Aeterna Photography that I am still dizzily only now finding my grounding. There is one “thing” that happened in October that has kept me on the ground, however (though still rolling a bit): Courtney Melonas (who is not a thing, but a person).

Courtney is Lux Aeterna’s newest team member! Some call her my personal assistant, others our office manager, secretary, old friend, schedule-manager, client-services… personally, I call her… well, I call her all the time! She runs my calendar, communicates with clients, serves people, loves on people, strategizes with me to make our company the best experience a bride, a groom, a “MOB”, best-man, maid-of-honor, curious onlooker, could have! She edits my messy words and literally keeps me MOVING. 


What attracted me most to Courtney during the application and interview process was her fierce conviction and devotion to her role as a wife and mother. Courtney married her husband Nick in 2013, has a gorgeous son named Lucas, and is very anxious to meet her newest son (due to enter the world in around…like…now). She knows that the biggest and greatest influence she will have in this world is to learn to selflessly love her husband and to faithfully train up her children with discipline, patience, and truth. The conviction she holds as a wife and mother made Tommy and I absolutely confident that her Christian character would flow into her work-ethic and honesty in our company.


We brought Courtney on in October during the first deluge of work and she found a way to hold up the walls of our schedules and keep the lights on! I respect her hard work so much and am always excited for our new and old clients to connect with her. She is sweet, kind, and so very eager to serve YOU.

You can read more about Courtney on our website: About Courtney

And visit: / Courtney’s Private Blog /Where you will discover more of her heart on what it means to be a great wife, mother, and faithful Christian and will gain encouragement and help in your own endeavors.


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